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GH 201: Introduction to the Great Works: Classical Journeys to the Underworld

What is it about “The Land of the Dead?” No one is in a hurry to live there, but we don’t seem to mind an occasional artistic “visit.” This course adopts the Italian poet Dante Alighieri (1265-1321 AD) as our guide on an exploration of literary visits to The Underworld via great works composed between the 8th century BC and the 14th century AD by Dante and the “Virtuous Pagans” of his 地狱.

Students should anticipate a brisk reading pace. Graded course assignments will include regular readings, discussion notes preparation, reflective essays, 测试, and student presentations.

GH 201: Introduction to the Great Works: Classical Journeys to the Underworld

Instructor: Professor Marilyn Bisch

Please contact Professor Bisch if you have questions about this course.