多样性 Position Statement

The Bayh College of Education affirms that diversity is fundamental to excellence. Valuing diversity means actively using the strength of the different perspectives that individuals bring from the vantage points of their culture, 宗教, 种族, 性别, 比赛, 国家的起源, 残疾, sexual orientation, 和年龄. 我们寻找学生, 教师, and staff who reflect the diversity of our pluralistic society in reaching their potential in Becoming a Complete Professional. Opportunities for enhancing diversity, 社区, and mutual trust are desired, 鼓励, and supported by and for all within our 社区 of educators. We are committed to promoting respect for human diversity, social justice, and equity. Our effective professional practice is rooted in awareness, 知识, and skill in working with all peoples in our local, 区域, 国家, and global communities.

Denise Collins (Chair, EDLR) Jadora Sailes (ACES)
Martha Alexander (ESS) Carol Wetherell (布隆伯格中心)
Marylin Leinenbach (TAL Brain Zuel (IITS)
Tonya Balch (ACES)  
Sydney Lynch (Teaching and Learning)  

BCOE 多样性 Plan

BCOE 多样性 Plan (2010-2013)

BCOE 多样性 Plan 2010-2013 Final Report

多样性 Implementation Team Members

说文件 (Minutes, Reports, Action Plan)

Previous Documents

ISU 多样性 Council

BCOE 部门al 多样性 Statements: