

Authority: Approved by the 校董会
Last updated on: May 10, 2024
Last reviewed on: May 10, 2024


A constructive work environment accommodates discourse between employees and their supervisors. 电子游戏试玩 encourages employees to bring forward concerns about work-related issues in a constructive and orderly way. It is the responsibility of supervisors to interact with those whom they supervise in a clear, 公平, 一致的, 以及职业态度. It is the responsibility of all University employees to perform their assigned tasks competently and diligently. 另外, any employee may bring a grievance alleging that (a) a faculty member or (b) a person with whom the University contracts to teach a student of the institution is not meeting the criteria set forth at IC 21-39.5-2-2(a)(1-5).


The Office of 人力资源 is responsible for implementation of the 工作人员 Grievance process and any related procedures.


The Office of Human Resource will first work with both parties to resolve the situation informally.


The grievant is entitled to have a support person present at each step of the grievance process. The specific rules and procedures related to the grievant’s representatives shall be set forth in University procedures related to this policy.


The information generated in the course of reviews of grievances brought under this policy will be kept private. Any person who improperly reveals such information will be subject to disciplinary action, which may include dismissal.

565.6 Allegations of Discrimination

Allegations of discriminatory behavior as set forth in Policy 921 Americans with Disabilities, Policy 922 Policy Prohibiting 不正当的性行为, Intimate Partner Violence, Stalking, Policy 923 Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy will be forwarded to the Equal Opportunity and Title IX Office for investigation and resolution.


In order that employees may express opinions and views freely and responsibly, this policy prohibits any act of reprisal against a University employee for filing a grievance or against other persons for participating in the grievance process. Such acts of reprisal constitute in themselves violations of this policy and will result in prompt disciplinary action 这可能包括解雇.


It is a violation of this policy to file a frivolous grievance, a grievance based on false or misleading information, 或者骚扰任何员工.  Any person filing a frivolous grievance, a grievance based on misleading information, or harassing any employee concerning a grievance will be subject to disciplinary action, 这可能包括解雇.

565.9 Inclusion in 教师 and Employee Evaluations

Any allegation that (a) a faculty member or (b) a person with whom the University contracts to teach a student of the institution is not meeting the criteria set forth at IC 21-39.5-2-2(a)(1-5) will be included in the evaluation file of the relevant faculty member or person for purposes of evaluations under Policy 305 教师 Appointment, 促销活动, 和任期.


Office of 财务及行政
(812) 237-4120
Related Policies and Information:
921  Disability Accommodation
Equal Opportunity and Title IX Office
Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment
Policy 565 was added, in its entirety, by the 校董会 on May 6, 2016. On May 10, 2024, the ISU 校董会 approved the addition of Section 565.9 in order to bring the Policy into compliance with recently enacted legislation.