金融 & 金融服务 Videos

金融 & 金融服务 Playlist


Financial Literacy Playlist

The 投资俱乐部 of Scott College of Business 投资俱乐部 President Colton Romine and Vice President Kyle Koch discuss what the club does and their roles in it. (2021, 4:27)
Which Business Major - 金融 Current students and recent graduates sharing why they chose a business major in the Scott College of Business at Indiana State University. Here Justia Lumbeau explains why she chose a 金融 major. (2020, 1:26)

Sycamore Stories - Nathan Crick

金融 major and 保险 and 风险管理 minor Nathan Crick. His passion for the University stems from three generations of Sycamore family members. (2020, 2:31)

Antonio Cornelius - Spring 2020

Antonio is a 金融 major and been chosen to speak at the Spring 2020 Commencement ceremony. He's also a student leader, poet, writer, rapper and performing artist. He's involved in National Association of Black Accountants (NABA), Brotherhood of Successful Scholars (BOSS), working with the Gentleman's Society & as a 指导 Assistance for Prospective Scholars (MAPS) staff member in the Charles E. Brown African American Cultural Center. 保持饥饿! 保持动力! (2020, 1:05)

Hannah Davis ISU Presidential Scholarship

汉娜·妮可·戴维斯, President's Scholar and 金融服务 major, explains why she chose Indiana State University. (2015, 1:28)
行动中的领导者: Matt Eckert Matt Eckert, President and CEO of Holiday World & Splashin' Safari and a 1996 graduate of Indiana State in accounting and insurance and risk management, visited the Scott College of Business and gave a presentation on April 8, 2015. (2015, 1:03:25)
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
Financial Literacy Conference 学生 in the College of Business put together a conference aimed at helping fellow students and others make smarter money moves. (2009, 2:07)
Opening of the Original Financial Trading Room A new trading room in Statesman Towers is helping students get hands-on experience in the world of finance. (2008, 2:34)
实际投资 Indiana State University's College of Business opened its financial trading room in 2007. Check out one ISU's new 2008 commercials featuring the trading room. 天气凉爽。! (2008, 0:30)