CyberSycamoreThe CyberSycamore俱乐部 was established in the 2021 by the School of Criminology and Security Studies to supplements 网络安全 classroom curricula with education at meetings, participating in collegiate and other cyber 比赛, and establishing an environment that fosters education by sharing cyber concepts. The club is open to all Cyber majors.

使命: The purpose of the CyberSycamore俱乐部 is to provide a hands-on learning experience that promotes growth, 知识, and experience in the field of Cyber Security. As lessons learned from failure are as important as lessons learned from success, the club will strive to foster a safe and secure environment where the student feels comfortable in experimenting regardless of the outcome. The club will have access to the new Cyber Lab for all their meetings and events. The club will have a faculty advisor that will be active for all the clubs needs. The club will provide a venue for students outside the classroom to engage in 网络安全 events, 比赛, 实践研讨会, 职业指导课程, 聆听演讲嘉宾, 还有更多. 

指导老师: Dr. 杰森·詹姆斯

总统: 怀亚特Hanaway

If you are interested in being a part of the Sybersycamore Club, please reach out to 怀亚特Hanaway at

NCL的 2024年春季赛程 如下:

Registration: January 29 - March 22


Practice Game: March 25 - March 31



除了, because we are now a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense, the team competited in the NCAE Cyber Games competition 以及VIVID

The CyberSycamore club is a sponsored organization that will be able to compete in local, 区域, and national 网络安全 比赛 and events such as those below.

Department of Energy organized cyber defense competition The Department of Energy (DOE) hoss two successful cyber defense 比赛 to exercise interactive, 基于场景的事件, where teams engage in 网络安全 activities includes methods, 实践, 策略, 政策, 和道德. Through the CyberForce Competition™, DOE has worked to increase 1) hands-on cyber education to college students and professionals, 2) awareness into the critical infrastructure and cyber security nexus, and 3) basic understanding of cyber security within a real world scenario.

全国网络联盟(NCL) 是最具包容性的, 基于绩效, learning-centered collegiate 网络安全 competition today!

National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (NCCDC)

美国网络挑战(USCC) is a program previously supported by the Department of 首页land Security’s Science and Technology Directorate through a contract with the Center for Internet Security, 一个501c(3)组织. USCC serves as the premiere program to identify, 吸引, 火车, 招募, and place the next generation of 网络安全 professionals into the workforce.

Midwest Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition - Two-year and four-year colleges and universities are putting together their top tech-savvy students to form teams to compete.

CyberCompEx - Connecting America's Best and Brightest to the Cybersecurity Industry and mapping 比赛 to the NICE Framwork.

网络的天际线 - Host numerous cyber competition events including Cyberseed“21 (3月27日)和 NCL,查看并注册.

中央资讯安全CTF -Whether you are looking to enhance your skills, 想要获得实践经验, 学习进攻性方法, 挑战别人, or are an organization looking for a team building exercise, this capture the flag event is for you! This capture the flag exercise is a team-based event with over 250 challenges. You are able to play as a team of one, but we recommend that you you create/join a team of up to ten players. Points will be awarded for completing challenges. Make sure you check out the website. 2021年4月5日开始.

JerseyCTF - a Beginner Jeopardy style capture the flag with industry speakers, cash prizes and more April 10-11, 来看看.