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From "Day One"

印第安纳州立师范学校于1870年成立, 最早的五位教员之一是茱莉亚·纽厄尔小姐, 女校长兼英国语言文学教授. 尽管最初的入学人数只有21人, 图书馆里有一本未删节的字典和一本圣经, 教育工作开始了——主要是从作文和经典开始的. 纽维尔不太可能赚到这1美元,200 that some professors made, 但她在推动8名男学生和17名女学生的教育培训方面发挥了重要作用. 几年后,玛丽小姐加入了纽厄尔的行列. Brice, 英语语法和写作教授, 在后来的几年里,教授们的名字即使在今天也很熟悉, 包括霍华德·桑迪森和威廉·帕森斯. Then, as now, 英语课程是所有学生的必修课(在19世纪80年代为6个学期), 还有文学课程.

Nineteenth-Century Campus Politics

As early as 1881, 英语语言文学系卷入了校园政治. 9名教职员工中有5名,包括帕森斯, 当时的英语部主管向董事会提交了一封信,反对校长干涉课程设计和课堂实践. Parsons did not join the faculty who resigned their positions in protest; instead, 他留了下来,后来成为了校长. In the 1890s, 一位英语教授突然被解雇引发了学生们的“群众集会”(一种委婉的说法), of course, 抗议活动)以及一个自称为“十五人委员会”的团体给《pg电子游戏试玩》(Terre Haute)的信.“毕业典礼被取消已经够危险的了.

The Name of the Department

系名的变化几乎和学校的变化一样大. 成立英语语言文学系(当时只有一名教员), 后来变成了语法与作文系. Later still, two departments were formed: Reading, Rhetoric, 文学和英语语法与写作. In 1923, these two departments merged to become the Department of English; except for a brief stint as the Department of English and Journalism in the 1970s, this title has remained, 即使电子游戏试玩的名字从师范学院改为师范学院再改为大学.

The Current Story

教师和行政办公室在根楼的二楼,班级分布在校园的八栋建筑中, the Department of English offers two undergraduate majors: English (Liberal Arts) and English Teaching; the Department also offers two minors: English (Liberal Arts) and Creative Writing.  At the graduate level, 本系提供英语文学硕士学位(文学和写作方向). 超过150个英语本科电子游戏试玩和30个研究生电子游戏试玩, 该系通过写作和文学的基础研究课程为每个ISU学生提供每个电子游戏试玩的服务. 主辅课程与基础课程相结合, 该部门每年秋季和春季学期提供大约190个个人课程.

Current Faculty

本系现有教职人员20人,其中教授9人, eight associate professors, and three assistant professor), thirteen Instructors, sixteen Lecturers, and eight graduate teaching assistants. Members of the Department have been duly recognized over the years for their campus contributions: eighteen English faculty have received the Caleb Mills Distinguished Teaching Award; seven have received the Theodore Dreiser Distinguished Research and Creativity Award (one member has been recognized twice); one faculty member has received the Faculty Distinguished Service Award; one has been designated the College of Arts and Science’s Distinguished Professor; and three have received the President’s Medal.

Joseph S. Schick Lectures

该部门也是国际公认的约瑟夫S. 席克语言、文学和词典学讲座. 自1989年以来,该系每年接待六至十名学者. 这些访问学者做正式的讲座, as well as participate in readings, class visits, seminar discussions, demonstrations, and performances. 来自牛津等机构的预示, Cambridge, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Brown, Stanford, and Chicago, notable scholars like Houston Baker, Cleanth Brooks, Terry Eagleton, Stanley Fish, Marilyn French, Henry Louis Gates, Donald Hall, Hugh Kenner, J. Hillis Miller, Paul Muldoon, Stephen Orgel, W.D. 斯诺德格拉斯、海伦·文德勒和伊恩·瓦特也受到了欢迎. 希克系列为系里的教师和学生提供了难得的机会, 以及国际滑联社区的成员.

从一开始就是电子游戏试玩的一员, 英语系继续致力于支持学生加入我们不断变化的高等教育世界.

For Further (and Interesting) Reading

Lynch, William O. 印第安纳州立师范学院的历史. 特雷霍特:印第安纳州立师范学院,1946年.