


接待: 周四,8月. 29, 4-6pm
持续时间: 8月. 19日——9月. 20, 2024
地点: 杨家大学美术馆(兰迪尼美术表演中心)
地址:47809,Terre Haute,北第七街300号
所有国际滑联展览/讲座均免费向公众开放. 这意味着欢迎家人和朋友.:)
地址:47809,Terre Haute,北第七街300号
学院展览 invites you to 参与 with the creative work and research of ISU faculty members in the 艺术与设计 Department. This continued commitment to remain current and professionally active is a testament to their dedication to their artistic process. Through their ongoing practice that they demonstrate to students that it is a ‘practice’ and encourage them to keep challenging, 不断发展的, 并超越他们所选择的学科的界限.



Bfa / ba高级展览 4月. 29日,可能. 11, 2024
佐伊布克, 艾丽卡鲍曼, Tayler输送辊道, 三一坎宁安, Shanine德尔菲, 悉尼丹尼, 格Fulford), 加文Golish, 斯特拉·哈里森, Kaimilani松本, 梅根Matyi, Tierney麦当劳, 尼娜mim项目, 院长莫顿, 追逐Pondel, 亚历克西斯Pyszka, Ashlyn冰期, 弗雷娅Stroven, 卡米尔天鹅, Kelbie汤普森, 贾丝廷娜Yocom
This exhibition showcases the artwork of the graduating BFA and BA students from the Department of 艺术与设计. 展出的每件作品都浓缩了知识, 技能, 以及这些学生在电子游戏试玩学习的技巧. This culmination point and celebration together signify their ‘rite of passage’ into their next chosen path.


杨家大学美术馆年度学生评奖展 3月. 25 - 4月. 12, 2024
的 年度评审学生展览 celebrates the juror’s selection of Indiana State student artworks in a wide range of mediums. 它展示了一系列精美和高度个性化的技术和技能. 今年活动的评委是罗伯特G. La France, the Director and Chief Curator of the David Owsley Museum of Art at Ball State University.

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ROBERTO MARQUEZ展览:由Tanmaya宾汉策划的“喜剧” 2月. 5 - 3月. 1, 2024
展览名称: “Commedia” – is the realization of Mexican artist Roberto Márquez's dream to vividly illustrate each canto from Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy. This ambitious project of over 100 mixed-media works began during the Covid global confinement in 2021, 与但丁逝世700周年的纪念活动同时进行. Although many artists throughout the centuries – from Pacino di Buonaguida (1280-1340) to William Blake (1757-1827) to Robert Rauschenberg (1925-2008) – have visually depicted this complex narrative, Márquez的诠释充满了发自内心的大气深度, 是什么给这首史诗带来了独特的视觉维度. 在这个展览中, 观众将被引导穿过但丁经典的三个部分——地狱。, 炼狱(炼狱), 和Paradiso(天堂)——与人类经历的变迁作斗争.


Christopher schneberger:阈限联系 11月. 27日- 12月. 15, 2023
与相互依赖相反, the whisper of loneliness isolates people from self and others while simultaneously evoking a longing for interpersonal connection. 在阈限连接中, the uncertain tension between one’s desire to relate and the actualization of relationship thematically connects Christopher Schneberger’s two tonally contrasted digital photographic series: 的 Wanderers and Glimmer: 的 Haunting of the Graham House. 而《pg电子游戏试玩》中的童子军则试图与彼此建立联系, 土地与自我, the Graham House family in Glimmer expresses their individual striving for connection with the ghost of a young woman, 反之亦然. Serving as connective tissue between these two narrative projects are selected works from Spaces which includes various series that illustrate liminal space through interior, 城市, 还有乡村意象. 的se immersive narratives encourage the viewer to find comfort and respite in the ambiguity of connection.



MFA展览: 2023年10月9日- 11月3日
山姆T. MORLAN: 我觉得我碍事了,所以我慌了
‘我觉得我碍事了,所以我慌了’, 这个展览提醒观众我们都是人,有不顺心的时候也没关系. This series of works ranges from drawings on mirrors to large scale oil paintings on canvas that explore physical and psychological aspects of the shared human experience. Pulling from therapy techniques that elicit the subconscious mind like “brain dumping” and “automatic writing” and writers like Shel Silverstine for his child-like nonsensical language and sometimes mildly disturbing illustrations. 例如, 我的作品《电子游戏试玩》, 这是一幅14英尺长的帆布油画,灵感来自夏洛特·帕金斯·吉尔曼的《电子游戏试玩》, 试图将抑郁等触发词正常化, 焦虑, 通过混乱的图像和文字传播创伤. This exhibition is intended to provide a safe space where people from all backgrounds can gather to reflect on life and remember that sometimes you just need to laugh.
里根米. ZERWIG: 转换
里根米. Zerwig uses the word transformations to describe her sculptures and installations as they relate to the “makers” in her family and the profound experiences in her life. 正是她的家族历史和她过去的经历让泽维格想要创造一份遗产, 这反映了她的变革和独特的经历, 资产, 以及生活中的技能. 这幅作品的特点是色彩, 几何, 她的建筑背景影响了这种重复, 室内设计, 科学, 数学, 和艺术. 在她的实践中, Zerwig focuses heavily on process and product and includes the use of a variety of materials such as paper, 木, 混凝土, 金属, 和丙烯酸. 泽维格希望创造出充满奇迹的环境, 美, and change based off her own desires and aesthetic appeals while also promoting personal meditation, 反射, 和转换.



感知OMNIFOLD: 2023年8月21日- 9月22日
内容: 李佳宝的展览“感知万象”,灵感来自艾米莉·狄金森的诗, 通常被称为, ‘的 Mountain' traverses themes ranging from climate change to the investigation of interspecies by merging design, 技术, 和生物学. 对每件艺术品的解读来自 Chthulucene to 曾经的冰川 是由包括AR, AI, VR和视频在内的多媒体呈现模式所着色的. 最终, 李要求我们质疑自己对世界的感知,以及如何增强这种感知, 改变, 和策划.
Jiabao Li is originally from Shenyang Chia and is an Assistant Professor at 的 University of Texas at Austin. 她拥有哈佛大学设计研究生院的技术设计硕士学位, 获得新加坡国立大学电气工程学士学位.



论坛/ BA展览: 4月. 2023年5月24日- 5月5日
内容: This exhibition showcases the artwork of the graduating BFA and BA students from the Department of 艺术与设计. 展出的每件作品都浓缩了知识, 技能, 以及这些学生在电子游戏试玩学习的技巧. This culmination point and celebration together signify their ‘rite of passage’ into their next chosen path.


年度评审学生展览: 3月. 20 - 4月. 7, 2023
内容:年度评审学生展览 celebrates the juror’s selection of Indiana State undergraduate and graduate student artworks in a wide range of mediums. 它展示了一系列精美和高度个性化的技术和技能. 今年活动的评委是阿特·马丁, 收藏及展览总监, 谁是马斯基根艺术博物馆的高级馆长, 密歇根

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艺术家: 亚伯拉罕(Abanar Productions LLC.),考特兰·布莱德,伊德里斯·哈比卜,阿雅娜·罗斯,斯科特| 1月. 2月30日. 24, 2023
内容:公众的黑暗 是一个横跨电子游戏试玩所有三个美术馆的展览. 的 aim is to create greater awareness of the on-going and often unresolved local and national racial issues. 的 show is designed to provide a safe platform where ISU students and the broader community can learn, 参与, and be inspired to take positive action to help heal and transform outdated and unconscious biases.
公众的黑暗 demonstrates how the Black body in a racially divided society gradually disappears from our understanding of what it means to be a human. What transpires when the Black body is captured in our gaze—a gaze that has been trained to only view it as a problem everywhere it exists? What happens when the myths from our past—which were frequently used to justify its destruction—become ingrained in our imagination of its existence today? One should leave the exhibition knowing a bit more about what makes the Black body vulnerable to the violence it still endures today.


论坛/ BA展览:
艺术家: 佐伊·亚当斯, 萨拉查特曼, Catrale Ellick, 恩典恩格尔, 莎拉Felz, 凯拉灰色, 布丽安娜Hall-Purnell, Tajiah琼斯, 莱西·凯勒, 劳伦Kuenker, Caeleigh Reaves, 詹娜Rupska, 玛丽亚·西蒙-贾博| 11月. 28 - 12月. 9, 2022
内容: This exhibition showcases the artwork of the graduating BFA and BA students from the Department of 艺术与设计. 展出的每件作品都浓缩了知识, 技能, 以及这些学生在电子游戏试玩学习的技巧. This culmination point and celebration together signify their ‘rite of passage’ into their next chosen path.


艺术家: Tanmaya宾汉, 切斯特伯顿, 雅各布·拜尔斯, 马克Cela, 基拉·恩里克斯·洛亚, 杰米·尼克尔斯, 南希Nichols-Pethick, 布拉德·维纳布尔| 10月. 3 - 11月. 4, 2022
内容: This exhibition invites you to 参与 with the creative work and research of ISU faculty members in the 艺术与设计 Department. This continued commitment to remain current and professionally active is a testament to their dedication to their artistic process. Through their ongoing practice that they demonstrate to students that it is a ‘practice’ and encourage them to keep challenging, 不断发展的, 并超越他们所选择的学科的界限.

Lerma. 无标题的- 2. 打印.jpg

酷、暖、时髦:永久艺术收藏二维作品精选| 8月. 15-Sept. 9, 2022
内容: 的 exhibition focuses on various aesthetic approaches and thematic tones expressed within the Indiana States 永久艺术品收藏.  展出的一些作品看起来会很酷很朴素, 而另一些人则会疯狂地着色和激动, 反映了所展出的当代艺术家的关注. 
Jose Lerma 无标题的# 2, 2007年,混合媒体

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