


Two types of degree are granted at the graduate level in mathematics: the MA and the MS degree. 这些要求可以在下面找到, but otherwise feel free to reach out to the department if you would like to know which degree is right for you! A major selling point of our program is its 灵活性. Taking advantage of our 异步 online format, many of our students hold a full-time job as they work through their degree. It's also common for a student to pursue academics full-time and finish the degree very quickly due to a wide range of summer course offerings. Another key feature of the program is that faculty strive to protect the 完整性 of our degrees: if you are looking for a program where professors give your own creative work the recognition it deserves, 我们是适合你的地方!



所有 条件 of the College of 研究生 and Professional Studies must be met. In particular, an applicant must hold an undergraduate/bachelor's degree before beginning at ISU. 国际 students must also satisfy 英语水平要求.

学生 applying to the 数学ematics master's program must also have completed at least twenty-four hours of undergraduate mathematics. This will usually include the calculus sequence and the equivalent of MATH 333, 320, 410, 412, 和413年. Applicants with deficiencies may be granted conditional admission.

It is also possible to complete coursework without the goal of obtaining a degree. In this case you should submit an application to the ISU, indicating that you are a non-degree seeking student.



The Masters of Arts in 数学ematics is geared toward high school teachers wanting to become certified to teach dual credit courses, or for those wishing to teach mathematics at the collegiate level. The course requirements for the Master of Arts degree are available here:

A 3.0 GPA is required for graduation with a MA degree (see the College of 研究生 and Professional Studies course catalog). Moreover, half of the courses must be at the 600 level or higher.

更多信息请联系:  乔迪·弗罗斯特教授, 乔迪•.Frost@0933282516.com



The requirements for the Master of Science degree are available here:

Approved electives include any graduate level mathematics course other than MATH 695 and the four courses used to meet the mathematics core requirements. If you would like to take elective courses outside of the mathematics department, contact your academic adviser to see if the elective is approved.

A 3.0 GPA is required for graduation with a MS degree (see the College of 研究生 and Professional Studies course catalog).

There is no "typical" set of courses that students take their first semester. 然而, it is advisable to complete MATH 510 (Introduction to Analysis) and MATH 512 (Abstract Algebra) as soon as possible since they are prerequisites for many courses. You must make sure that you have completed at least half of your credit hours at the 600 level or above (typically 5 courses in addition to MATH 695). Course offerings vary from semester to semester, so you should prioritize taking 600 level courses as they become available.

更多信息请联系:  罗素·洛奇教授, 罗素.Lodge@0933282516.com



进入研究生课程后, you will be assigned an academic adviser and receive information about how to obtain an ISU email address and get access to ISU门户 (也称为MyISU). Once you have completed these steps, you should use the 课程安排 to select courses and ask your adviser if you have any questions. Distance students may take anywhere from 3 to 9 credits each semester. 研究生 courses are typically online and 异步 meaning that you do not have to attend lecture at a specific time, though it is possible that exams must be completed at a fixed time. You will be able to register throught ISU门户 during "Priority Registration.枣是在 校历.

这取决于你的背景, you might see the message "Prerequisite and Test Score error" when you try to register for a course. To resolve this you should use your ISU email address (as always) to contact your academic adviser about the possibility of obtaining an override for this error. Once you have registered for courses, you will typically have access to course information through Canvas 开学前一周.

学生 typically register for MATH 695 数学ematics Research after completing 18 credits. 然而, 当你完成你的课程作业, it is good to be actively trying to identify a professor with whom you would like to complete a 695 project. Individual professors may have different requirements for students to register for 695 with them so you should contact the professor before registering. For instance, some professors typically don't lead 695 projects during the summer.



莉兹·布朗教授: 莉斯.Brown@0933282516.com

乔迪• Frost,副教授, 乔迪•.Frost@0933282516.com

Mark Inlow,助理教授 Mark.Inlow@0933282516.com

文 Isaia,助理教授 文.Isaia@0933282516.com

Yi-Yin "温妮" Ko, Associate Professor, 温妮.Ko@0933282516.com

罗素·洛奇,助理教授 罗素.Lodge@0933282516.com

克里斯汀 Taylor, Assistant Professor, 克里斯汀.Taylor@0933282516.com