Appendix A: Definitions and Acronyms

The following definitions will be 使用 in this Code:

  • The term "University" means Indiana State University.
  • The term "student" includes all persons whom have applied and been accepted by the University as eligible to enroll in courses, 全职和兼职, 非学位和学位寻求, 就读本科, 研究生, or professional studies and those who attend post-secondary educational institutions other than Indiana State University and who reside in University residence halls. 学生 who are not officially enrolled for a particular term or terms (up to two years after the last active enrollment) are defined as having a continuing relationship with the University and are considered "students."
  • The term "student organization" refers to any number of students which has obtained recognition though the 学生活动 and Organizations following specific University guidelines. It is understood that all policies and prohibited conduct may be applicable to student organizations if individuals act in part or on behalf of any student organization.
  • The term "教员" means any person hired, 任命, or assigned by the University to conduct classroom activities.
  • The term "University official" includes any person employed by the University performing assigned administrative or professional responsibilities. This term includes student employees (e.g. student workers, resident assistants, community service officers).
  • The term "member of the University community" includes any person who is a student, 教员, 大学官方, or any other person employed by the University.
  • The term "University premises" includes all land, 建筑, 设施, and other property in the possession of or owned, 使用, or controlled by the University (including adjacent streets and sidewalks).
  • The term "sanction" refers to a conduct outcome where active participation from the acc使用 student is required. Sanctions are intended to be educational to promote personal and/or community growth and betterment.
  • The term "stipulation" refers to a conduct outcome that will likely result in a higher disciplinary outcome if violated but may be a passive requirement. For example, a stipulation may be that the student is to refrain from further conduct violation. There is no activity involved to successfully complete this requirement.
  • The term "University Conduct Board" or "University Conduct Officer" means any person or persons authorized by the president of the University or his/ her designee(s), pursuant to policies established by the University, to determine whether a student or student organization has violated 学生行为准则 and to impose appropriate sanctions, including separation of the student from Indiana State University or revocation of registration or recognition.
  • The term "shall" is 使用 in the imperative sense.
  • The term "may" is 使用 in the permissive sense.
  • The Director of SCI is the person designated by the 总统 of the University to be responsible for administration of the Code.
  • The term "policy" is defined as the written regulations of the University as found in, 但不限于, 学生行为准则, 宿舍手册, 大学手册, and the 研究生 and 本科 目录.

The following acronyms will be 使用 in this Code:

  • AC -行政会议
  • CRP -投诉解决程序
  • SCI - Office of 学生品行及操守
  • UCB -大学行为委员会
  • UCO -大学听证官
  • UH -大学手册

