销售 & 谈判:之前的比赛


Our business students recently competed in the RNMKRS 销售 Competition. 在总, 72 students from 电子游戏试玩 participated with senior Noah Heim (金融 and 保险及风险管理 major) receiving recognition for placing in the Top 1% and 14th overall in the “Role Play Competition.此外, senior Shelby Gilbert (minors in marketing and business administration) finished in the Top 1% of the "Speed Sell Competition.“最后, 该大学名列前十, 总排名第四, for having the highest percentage of students finish among the top competitors.


RNMKRS is an international virtual college sales competition that emphasizes the role of interpersonal communication in the success of business and life. Over 2100 students competed in the Role Play Competition with more than 1600 students competing in the Speed Sell Competition. Participants engaged using mobile devices through the selling of a product to an autonomous artificial agent that responds in real time while scoring students on their performance and success.

“I am excited for Noah and Shelby in how they performed as well as all of our students for competing. Our students work very hard preparing for these types of competitions, which makes us very proud to represent the 斯科特商学院 and ISU.SNC教练里奇·弗格森说.

Here are the categories coach 瑞奇Fergurson and students Shelby Gilbert and Noah Heim appeared in:

Ricky ferguson -最激动人心的班会
Ricky ferguson -最佳学生问题
Shelby Gilbert - Top Speed Sell Midwest Region Champions
销售与谈判 Team - 50% in top 30% of 销售 Roleplay
销售与谈判 Team - In Top 10 Schools of 销售 Roleplay


娜塔莉Mauk, a junior marketing major in the 斯科特商学院, finished 5th out of 140 students in the Speed Selling Division of the Northeast Intercollegiate 销售 Competition (NISC) hosted by Bryan University. “NISC was such an amazing experience and a great first competition,” Mauk said. “我迫不及待地想要学习更多,再次参加比赛.”

教师教练博士说. 瑞奇Fergurson, Assistant Professor: “I am very proud of Natalie’s performance in her first sales competition. She overcame competition nerves and delivered an incredible performance at NISC.“除了莫克, two other students from the ISU sales team participated: junior Rachel Hildebrand and senior Annika Ehrlich.

SNC NISC2021销售团队


Congratulations 劳伦·赫曼,亚历克·约翰逊和亚当·沃尔德罗普 for being selected to RNMKRS Rising Stars for fall 2021, 表彰前5%的学生. We are just under three weeks from the RNMKRS Virtual 销售 Competition and the preparations are getting intense.




2021年国家队销售大赛 - 兰迪·莫顿,汉娜·里基特,康纳·拉什

斯科特商学院 competitors in the 2021年国家队销售大赛 hosted by Indiana University Bloomington held on October 20 – 22, 2021


我们很高兴地宣布这一点 猎人Diveley is the winner of the April 2020 RNMKRS虚拟全国销售竞赛! 莎拉巴丹 placed 7th overall out of over 1,400 students from 49 universities.

亨特是埃芬厄姆的大三学生, 萨哈是特雷霍特大学的大四学生, 两人都是市场营销电子游戏试玩的.




It's been a busy couple of months for the 销售与谈判中心 students. Our 销售 Team has represented Indiana State and the 斯科特商学院 at two competitions this semester. They competed at the end of October at Indiana University for the National Team Selling Competition and at Ball State in mid­-November at an individual sales competition. 他们还参加了就职典礼 RNMKRS 2019年11月12日全国虚拟销售大赛.


Above and Below: Hannah Davis, 凯尔·柯林斯, 猎人Diveley, and Connor Lash
at the National Team Selling Competition at Indiana University in October 2019



The National Team Selling Competition team looking more relaxed with team coach Professor 瑞奇Fergurson


迪伦卡罗尔, 凯尔·柯林斯, 猎人Diveley, and Connor Lash at the Individual 销售 Competition at Ball State in November 2019

Kenadi霍利斯 did tremendously well at the inaugural RNMKRS 2019年11月12日全国虚拟销售大赛, 当在1中排名第一时,来自58所大学的500名学生! Competitors demonstrated their sales prowess by selling to artificially intelligent animated customer bots. Kenadi is a 市场营销 major and part of the first ever online Professional Selling program offered by Indiana State. 电子游戏试玩 had 11 students finish in the top 10% and 22 finish in the top 25% of competitors!



我们有一些视频 RNMKRS 竞争对手:

内森和凯纳迪 ——Kenadi霍利斯 and Nathan Divan talk about the inaugural RNMKRS Virtual 销售 Competition and their experience with sales at 电子游戏试玩 - 斯科特商学院 - 销售与谈判中心. 他们在1人中分别获得了第一名和第四名,500 students nationwide at the competition which was held on November 12, 2019.

2019年RNMKRS获奖者:Kenadi霍利斯 ——Kenadi霍利斯, the winner of the inaugural RNMKRS Virtual 销售 Competition talks about her experience with sales at 电子游戏试玩 - 斯科特商学院 - 销售与谈判中心. 凯纳迪在一场比赛中获得第一名,500 students nationwide at the competition which was held on November 12, 2019.

2018 - 2019年销售团队

Allison Crick, Hannah Davis, Bryce Shostrand, and Andrew VanDenburgh

SNC 2018-2019销售团队